Cancellation and Refund Policy

Updated at 2022-10-19

Merchant of Record

Our order and payment process is conducted by our online reseller Paddle. Paddle is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns. Please visit if you encounter any problems with your payment.


SongwritersdB includes a free 14-day trial period.

Some paid plans include a free trial. You will get billed if you don't cancel your subscription before the end of the trial. When you start your trial, will send you an email with further information.


Refunds are determined at the sole discretion of the our merchant of record paddle and on a case-by-case basis. Please visit if you think you have a valid reason for a refund. You can learn more about Paddle's refund and dispute policy in Paddle's Checkout Buyer Terms and Conditions.

Disputes, Unrecognized Charges and Problems with your Order

Please contact Paddle at if you have any questions about your order.

If You Purchased Your Subscription Through Apple's App Store

If you subscribed to SongwritersdB through the Apple App Store you will need to contact Apple directly with your refund request. For your privacy, Apple doesn't allow us to request refunds, process refunds or manage your App Store account in any way.

Need more information regarding Apple refunds? Read about Apple's refund rules and process on their website at Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple. []

If You Purchased Your Subscription Through the Google Play Store

You will need to request a refund through Google Play. On your computer, go to If this process does not work out for you, please email us at for assistance and include a copy of your purchase receipt or your Google Play Order Number (begins with GPA) so we can find the purchase.

All Rights Reserved by SongwritersdB.