Streamline Your

Goodbye writer's block. SongwritersdB helps
you write songs from start to finish.

SongwritersdB-record new songs on your desktop or remotely on your phone, add lyrics, deep search, sort, share with collaborators, create "Albums," and much more! Scroll through to see in detail all the features of this unique application.

// Extended Features //

Record, Write, Organize and Share
your songs anytime

Record a New Song

Just hit the Record button and start singing. Hit Pause and then Record again, to append more audio to your song.

Manage Existing Songs

Arrange, sort, search, share, add lyrics and audio, add comments, tag by genre, tempo and rating.

Create Albums

Albums are like playlists that you create for any number of songs.

Never Lose Your Songs

As soon you hit Save, your new song is saved both locally AND in the cloud, to your secure account.

// SongwritersdB //

Record new songs on your desktop
or remotely on your phone

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Hurry up! Download SongwritersDB now
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Effortless Song Recording, Sharing,
Lyric Management, and Quick Search


Lyrics, Record, Collaborate

Write Lyrics, Record Audio, and Collaborate Seamlessly

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// Why Choose SongwritersdB App //

The best way to organize your own songwriting! With everything at your fingertips, you will be more productive. Never lose your “old” songs again!

With instant-save recording, powerful search options, the ability to rate songs with 1-5 stars, add comments, write lyrics, attach genres and tempos, your writing productivity will soar!


Quickly record your song or lyric ideas anywhere, instantly saved to the cloud.


Attach lyrics to your song’s audio, add a title and comments.


Arrange collections based on tempo, star rating, genre. Fast search features.


Send your song's audio and/or lyrics with attached comments.


Sort all songs by name, date recorded, date imported, or date last edited.


Search within titles, lyrics, comments, genre, if complete / recorded etc.

// Our Pricing Options //

Choose the best SongwritersdB
Plan for your needs


Try it as long as you like

What's included:

Record or import up to 20 songs

Create up to 5 playlist "Albums"

Tag songs as well as Search/Sort according to Genre, Tempo, Star Rating and status: completed? recorded? copyrighted?

Choose from 15 song genres

Unique "Lyrics View" to scan all songs

Pro Edition

Pro edition plan includes all Free features PLUS:


(One-time purchase)

What's included:

Record or import unlimited songs

Instant cloud backup: never lose a song!

Create unlimited playlist "Albums"

Insert or append new audio to existing songs

Add and delete unlimited song genres

Priority customer support

Share data between your cellphone and desktop

Share songs & lyrics with friends and collaborators

Buy Now or Sign up for a FREE trial of the Pro version
(no credit card needed)!

Minimum system requirements: Mac OS 11 & Windows 10

// FAQ’s //

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is SongwritersdB?
SongwritersdB is an app to help songwriters record their song and lyric ideas quickly and keep track of all their songs and lyrics. By allowing you to record audio, add lyrics and comments, attach a genre/style, tempo, and star rating, and assemble into Albums (song collections), you will find that your productivity as a songwriter will improve immensely.
How Do I Purchase a License?
After downloading and installing the free version from the website, click the Activate Now button on the pop-up window. This will take you to the PayPal checkout page, where you can pay to unlock the advanced features:
  • Record or save unlimited songs
  • Add and delete unlimited song genres
  • Share data between your cellphone and PC
  • Priority Customer Support
is in addition to the standard features:
  • Search / sort according to Genre, Tempo, Star Rating and status: completed? recorded? copyrighted?
  • Create song-list “Albums”
  • Unique “Lyrics View” to scan all songs
An alternative method is to click the Buy Now button on the website.
Can I Use SongwritersdB for Free?
Yes, absolutely! There is no time limit on the free version.
We want you to try out the app, see how easy it is to use, record some songs, create Albums, change the display to certain genres, add star ratings to songs, etc. We are confident that once you see the power of the program, you will be happy to purchase a license to unlock the advanced features.
Why Upgrade to the Paid Version?
In addition to all the great features of the free version, obtaining a paid license will allow you to:
  • Record and save an unlimited number of songs
  • Add and delete unlimited song genres
  • Share data between your cellphone and PC
  • Instant cloud backup: never lose a song!
  • Insert or append new audio to existing songs
  • Share songs & lyrics with friends and collaborators
  • Priority Customer Support
Who is the Author of the App?
In order to deal with his 1,000s of songs written over more than 50 years as a professional songwriter, musician and Berklee College of Music graduate Gabe Hizer set out to create a program for his own song collection. After a thorough search through the world of PC, Mac, iPhone, and Android apps and not finding anything out there that did what he wanted, he decided to create his own app. So not only does Gabe sell this program, but he uses it every day with his own collection of songs!

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